Discover a relationship with yourself based in joy.
When you begin your Journey Into Self, you will unlock practical tools to guide you toward enlightenment while learning to use yourself as a laboratory. Surrender to life’s circumstances and learn to use each person, place, and situation as an invitation to grow and heal.
You will also learn to:
• Form a working relationship with source energy
• Trust and surrender to life’s circumstances
• Let go
• Live in the NOW!
Learn to let go and
live in the now!
Individual Sessions
Modern life can be a minefield of stressors and aggressors. If you’re experiencing any of these listed issues (or any that aren’t listed), get in touch to start your Journey Into Self today, and begin living in the now as you clear the path between head and heart.
01 — Leaving organized religion?
Breaking free from taught beliefs and ingrained thought patterns to find your own spiritual path can be overwhelming. Let me help guide you.
02 — Getting older?
What a drag…or is it? If you are struggling with your inevitable aging process, let me introduce you to your feelings and the power they have in creating a joyous reality.
03 — Experiencing grief?
Do you find yourself wrapped in grief and faced with so many triggers? Sadness? Depression? Join me and discover a journey of managing grief with grace as we reframe reality in a loving experience that sets a new path.
04 — LGBTQIA+ issues?
It’s the time to love ourselves more than ever. We cannot expect others to love, respect, and honor us if we don’t love, respect, and honor ourselves. Let me give you the resources to form a relationship of unconditional love with yourself, and feel the self-power and freedom!
05 — Struggling as an entrepreneur or professional?
If you are struggling with your relationship with your “calling”, first determine if it’s your calling or your ego that’s creating the struggle. Learn to resolve your issues by feeling and speaking your truth from love, and trusting what your intuitive energy is telling you.
06 — Experiencing divorce, loss or other life change?
These are life’s invitations to help us grow, heal, learn, and deepen our relationship with ourselves and source energy. I’d love to share my toolbox of resources that helps you focus on the meaning of your experience and how it is a gift.
07 — Struggling as a teen or young adult?
Are you feeling that you don’t belong anywhere? Feeling you don’t know what direction to go next? Fearful of life? Learning to trust in source energy and the ability to collaborate with it is an amazing reality. Let me teach you the way to fulfillment and joy.
08 — Feeling purposeless or lost?
What do you keep telling yourself? What is the familiar dialogue that creates these negative feelings? Learn how to change your life one word at a time.
09 — Struggling with addiction or codependence?
Tired of feeling no one gives as much as you? Why am I the one that ends up doing everything for everybody? Why do I feel resentful, tired, angry and sad? Codependence sucks us dry of our essence. Learn to let go, start focusing on yourself by using your feelings as a barometer, and feel no guilt.
Couples and Family Sessions
Navigating the relationship with yourself is just as important as the relationships you have with others. If you, your family or partner or friends are struggling with any of the issues listed (or any that aren’t) make the conscious decision to begin living in the now, from a place of self-love, and create deepened love and connection with others.
01 — Marital issues?
He said, she said! Speak from the heart, not from anger. Learn to feel the right way to communicate by checking in with yourself: Am I shaming, blaming, judging, criticizing or expecting? If I am than I’m not coming from love. Learning to communicate from love is one way to get them to listen.
02 — LGBTQIA+ issues?
It’s the time to love ourselves more than ever. We cannot expect others to love, respect, and honor us if we don’t love, respect, and honor ourselves. Let me give you the resources to form a relationship of unconditional love with yourself, and feel the self-power and freedom!
03 — Family issues?
Our families are the fundamental contributors to the way we are in the world. Most all of our self-perception is formed in our family of origin. Learning to explore your role in your family is powerful in healing the wounds of childhood, and I would love to help free you from the chatter in your head and the untruths you tell yourself.
04 — Workplace or colleague issues?
Communication is the key no matter how difficult it may seem. Learn to speak your truth from love and keep the ego on the back burner. I’m ready to guide you to that place of understanding and compassion – even with differences.