Bringing lives to life.
What is Starheart Innertainment?
By using storytelling and audience interaction, we weave stories of insight into healing opportunities that illustrate the power of acceptance and the importance of staying in the now as a way to live from love.
Whether workshop or illuminating group session, Starheart Innertainment – the public and group event branch of Journey Into Self– offers life-changing presentations on a variety of topics that bring the wonder of inner discovery to your next work event, festival, summit, spiritual session, private event, church session and more.
and Presentations
01 — Are You Being Nice…or Codependent?
What do you feel? Are you feeling obligated or are fearful to say “No”? Or are you being nice with NO expectations? The feeling often tells you if you are really being nice or you are co-dependent.
02 — Building Community from the Inside Out
Learn the importance of changing ourselves into loving beings in order to create a loving community. We do it one person at a time by lifting our consciousness into self-observance.
03 — Death Reframed: It’s in What You Tell Yourself
Death is an invitation for a new beginning for everyone who is in that energy field of loss. It’s all up to how we react. Learn how we grow and heal from death.
04 — De-Stressing the Holidays
There are NO have-to’s! That’s what makes it stressful. It takes courage to make changes around tradition, however our personal mental health is most important. Let’s talk about how to re-invent the holidays without stress.
05 — Facing Grief with Grace
Grieving is a process that has no timeline. Learning to walk in grief, receive gifts, and heal is a powerful energy that helps us to wake up and perhaps make changes in our life that become amazing gifts. Learn to use grief as a way to extraordinary appreciation for what is.
06 — Relationships: Our Greatest Gift
In journeying into self, relationships hold the greatest gifts for self-discovery. We become reflections of one another. If we can refrain from taking things personnally we can learn and heal from our relationships. I’d love to help you receive that gift of self-awareness.
07 — Come to Your Own Rescue
Speaking up on our own behalf is a mighty powerful and yet fearful thing to do. Asking for what we need, establishing healthy boundaries, being rigorously honest, and doing all this from love is the most self-loving actions we can take. No one knows us like we know ourselves, and it’s up to each of us to protect our essence with self-love. When we live from the unconditional love of self, we invite others to do the same. Join me in a journey of unconditional love of self.
08 — Transition: An Invitation to Reinvent Yourself
Whenever we experience a noteworthy event in our lives it very often offers us the opportunity to make changes. It’s with the energy of change that surrounds us that supports us in change. This is the time when we need to say goodbye to fear and trust source energy to support us in the direction we choose. Learning to tune in to new possibility is an inside job that enriches our life experience. Let’s go!
09 — Discover Your Authentic Self
It's with the courage to speak from our truth with the prompting of the heart, that we begin to show up in our authenticity. By self-observing our words and actions, and by speaking from a place of self-love (our truth) we begin to realize our lives being formulated by what is true for us by what feels right. When we allow fear and expectations of others to determine our way of being in the world we turn our backs on ourselves and never get to be who we are meant to be. Learn how to become the true you and begin experiencing joyful living.
10 — You Are Worth It: Going Beyond the Fear
Fear is one of life's most consuming energies, and we create it by what we tell ourselves. Learning to form a partnership with one's fear is a courageously loving act toward our human potential. To begin with self-trust and knowing you are the CEO of your life, begins opening doors formally blocked by fear. Let's explore those obstacles of fear realizing how we create them ourselves and thus can rid ourselves of our self-made bondage.
Got something else in mind for a topic? We’d love to hear it.
Send us a message here and let’s plan your next event with a custom presentation.